Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Woes of the newly married women!

There is nothing more beautiful than being able to spend the rest of your life with the person you find truly compatible. However, marriage is no longer remains the sole aim of a girl's aim. Gone are those days when parents wanted their daughters to get married by the age of 20-22 years and mouled herself according to her in laws lifestyle.

Of late, things like high education, financial stability, career prospects, etc., are also enjoying the prime importance on the priorities list of a woman. Although, these changes have made contemporary women independent but sadly, it is still not a change that is readily accepted in a traditional family.

Lets' delve deep into some impending problems that a new bride faces in today's scenario

Getting no time to learn or improve culinary skills- Yes, it is true because I can also relate myself to this situation as even after years of marriage, I am still learning how to cook food. No matter how modern a family claims to be, they always want their daughter in law to show her cooking expertise. Even Aishwarya Rai cooked halwa for her in laws after her marriage! But nowadays, as girls are getting busier in their academic and professional lives, they hardly get time to work on their culinary. Lack of culinary skills is one of the biggest (or I should say, dangerous) challenges that a woman can face. I still forget what spices I need to add in which dal or sabji. Though, many households hire help in the kitchen but they still hold high expectations from their daughter in law. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen only in joint families. Even in nuclear families, husband wants their wife to cook at least some times, not every second day.

Making adjustments with in-laws- Though marriage demands lot of adjustments but if you get married into a conventional family, even the self-dependent and headstrong woman in you might fight it difficult to compromise on new family's lifestyle. Especially your food habits, your clothing style, your work timings and many other things, you may find daunting to change to match your in-laws preferences. No matter how understanding your in-laws are, there can still be some things that they want you to change. So be ready for that!

Infringement of personal space- As soon as you change from Miss to Mrs, you will feel the burden of responsibility of every family member as well as your husband. Whether you are in a joint family or nuclear family, you might have to visit your in-laws frequently or they recurring visit you. The sudden realization of responsibilities after spending years under the protective shelter of your parents can be little intimidating. Juggling your personal life with professional commitments can leave you with no 'me' time.

Expectations..expectations and expectations- It is true but the expectations your better half and your in-laws might have from you can be really scary. If you panic, it can adversely affect your married life. There are some particular expectations also which are specific to every house. Like, keeping fasts,
doing puja in different manner, etc. Though look like routine, but they might come as unpleasant surprises for some girls.


In case you are also facing any of the above listed problems, it is best to stay calm and talk to your in-laws. A good discussion can resolve even the most trickiest problem!

1 comment:

  1. This is indeed a well written article as it explores common issues of newly married women in India. However, these issues fight their existential crisis given that (most) women are no long in chain of such traditional domestic servitude. Thanks...
